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Indonesia Milerism in West Papua |
The victim does not include non-Papuan people who also become victims of the conflict which has lasted for 33 years ..
Conflict in Papua, which occurred since 1977 has claimed the lives of up to 100 thousand people. The number of victims was referring to the data released by Amnesty International recently. According to researchers Parahyangan Centre for International Studies (Pacis), I Nyoman Sudira, the conflict in Papua, is much more complex than has ever happened in Aceh.
"Of course the official estimates of government is much smaller. Conflict with so many victims are very painful and expensive. Intimidation with human rights violations, it will definitely be in line with the occurrence of conflict, "he said in a National Workshop: Reconstructing Peace in Papua Way Through Dialogue today in Jakarta
Conflict in Papua, which occurred since 1977 has claimed the lives of up to 100 thousand people. The number of victims was referring to the data released by Amnesty International recently. According to researchers Parahyangan Centre for International Studies (Pacis), I Nyoman Sudira, the conflict in Papua, is much more complex than has ever happened in Aceh.
"Of course the official estimates of government is much smaller. Conflict with so many victims are very painful and expensive. Intimidation with human rights violations, it will definitely be in line with the occurrence of conflict, "he said in a National Workshop: Reconstructing Peace in Papua Way Through Dialogue today in Jakarta
According to Nyoman, the number of victims is certainly not counting non-Papuan people who also become victims of Papuan conflict with the central government tersetbu. Therefore, the lecturer said Parahyangan University, Bandung, the dialogue should be intensified. Peace in Papua, will very likely be realized, if the note some reservations.
Terms include a dialogue is done by including a representative who has the legitimacy to all the people of Papua. "As well as focusing on all important issues, including truth, justice, security, reconciliation, and the division of Papua regional growth," he said.
Other requirements, continued Nyoman, is fully implementing the special autonomy and local governments build and improve transparency in order to fund the birth of Autonomy truly felt the people of Papua. "Juka order and reform the security forces, so that no more violations of human rights," he said.
Nyoman still add a requirement to create peace in Papua is the education and training of public administration, regional planning, resource utilization nasionaldan matters relating to Papua. Besides increasing the role of civil society in monitoring, investigating and exposing human rights abuses, corruption and all forms of abuse of authority.
Member of House Commission X from Papua, Diaz admitted Gwijangge implementation of special autonomy is not maximized. The fact that both the level of violence in Papua was conducted among residents or citizens versus apparatus is still high. The presence of multinational companies, also did not prosper the ground Papua. "But it was a cause environmental disasters and help create intenal conflict in local communities," said Diaz.
So is the military presence, still continues to give birth in violation of human rights such as the shooting apparatus of Naphtali Kwan, pastor Christian Fellowship Bible Church of Indonesia branch in the district Kebar Manokwari, Manokwari. "As well as shooting of Septinus Kwan, poor farmer on September 15, 2010 night," he said.
Diaz cites records in Papua bahwakekerasan NGO Elsam has happened since 1977. The presence of a number of multinational companies suspected as the culprit of violence. According to Diaz, ehadiran U.S. giant mining company in Papua invites serious problems. "The violence has continued until now," he said.
Hope is empty
Diaz said the Papuan people, actually have high expectations on the implementation of special autonomy. But along the way, the public never knew, how much nominal money Otsus up to the grassroots. "People are still lagging behind. The basic service is still far from expectations, "she said.
Diaz was referring to the cholera outbreak that infected Geselama, Nduga District, Papua Seotember 2010 ago. Outbreak killed 40 people. Once there was an attack of diarrhea outbreaks Dogiyai citizen in 2009. For three months the plague struck, 200 lives lost because of the outbreak.
Education sector is also pathetic because of illiteracy is very high in Papua. Though the availability of teachers is very minimal. In the economic field, the public is also still having trouble accessing the government-provided economic facilities, such as place of trade, credit, or loans. "Although there are many multinational companies in Papua, being far from complete, particularly in employment," he said.
Writers: Good Supriyatno
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