Minggu, 10 Juni 2012

Mahfudz Siddiq, "If Not Revealed, Police Involved Shootings Suspect in Papua"

KOMPAS.com - Police urged to act decisively related to the shooting are rife in Papua lately with the perpetrators. If not, the security forces can be suspected as the perpetrators of the shooting so far.
"Doubt ranks of the police must end. Police have arrested actor violence. If not done immediately, the greater the suspicion. Suspicion they are made the apparatus. To avoid suspicion, the police inevitably must uncover the perpetrators," said Commission Chairman I Mahfudz Siddiq House of Representatives in Parliament House Complex Senayan, Jakarta, Monday (11/06/2012).
Last weekend, dozens of politicians Papua Commission I to collect materials related to warming of the situation in Papua. They met with community leaders, religious leaders, NGOs, intelligence officials, police, military, and others.
Mahfudz said the data received it, there are at least 22 shootings in the last two months. A total of 14 people from various backgrounds were killed. However, until now not known who the perpetrators of the shooting.
Based on the recognition of police officers in Papua, said Mahfouz, they hesitate to act because of fear of repression was accused of violating human rights. Moreover, he added, there is mistrust of the citizens of Papua on the government and security forces.
"People are very worried. Major streets deserted at night. If it is not revealed, the public is increasingly suspicious of officers was conducted. Police suspect was carried out civic groups in the mountains. (If arrested) there are fears of backlash because of solidarity," said MCC's politicians .
Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro said, intelligence officials in Papua are still investigating who auktor intellectualist of a series of shootings in Papua. The security forces, he said, as long as it should be cautious because of sensitivity the situation in Papua.
"The issue is being dealt with separatist local military command, our representative in Papua. We do not send down troops from outside. Forces from the outside only at the border," said Purnomo.

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